Ward Lock travel guides

Ward & Lock's Illustrated Guide to and Popular History of the Isle of Man, 1883

Ward Lock travel guides or Red Guides (1870s1970s) were tourist guide books to the British Isles and continental Europe published by Ward, Lock & Co. of London.[1] The firm proclaimed them "amusing and readable" and the "cheapest and most trustworthy guides."[2] To other readers the books were promotional and "rarely critical."[3] Compared to similar late 19th century series such as Methuen & Co.'s Little Guides, the Ward Lock guides emphasized "travel practicalities."[4]

List of Ward Lock guides by geographic coverage



East Midlands region

East of England region

London region

North East England region

North West England region

South East England region

South West England region

West Midlands (region)

Yorkshire and the Humber region









  1. "Ward Lock & Co's Illustrated Guide Books for Collectors and Enthusiasts". UK: Runela. Archived from the original on November 8, 2005. Retrieved 31 August 2013.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Ward & Lock's Tourists' Pictorial Guide Books (advert)", The Athenaeum, 3 June 1882
  3. Fred Gray (2006), Designing the Seaside: Architecture, Society and Nature, Reaktion Books, ISBN 9781861892744
  4. Paul Readman (2005), "The Place of the Past in English Culture c. 1890-1914", Past & Present (186), JSTOR 3600854
  5. 1 2 3 4 "Ward Lock & Co.,'s Illustrated Guide Books (advert)", Publishers' Circular, 16 April 1892
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