Twin pattern

In software engineering, the Twin pattern is a software design pattern that allows developers to model multiple inheritance in programming languages that do not support multiple inheritance. This pattern avoids many of the problems with multiple inheritance.[1]


Instead of having a single class which is derived from two super-classes, have two separate sub-classes each derived from one of the two super-classes. These two sub-classes are closely coupled, so, both can be viewed as a Twin object having two ends.[1]


The twin pattern can be used:


There will be two or more parent classes which are used to be inherited. There will be sub-classes each of which is derived from one of the super-classes. The sub-classes are mutually linked via fields, and each sub-class may override the methods inherited from the super-class. New methods and fields are usually declared in one sub-class. [1]

The following diagram shows the typical structure of multiple inheritance:


The following diagram shows the Twin pattern structure after replacing the previous multiple inheritance structure:



Each child class is responsible for the protocol inherited from its parent. It handles the messages from this protocol and forwards other messages to its partner class. [1]

Clients of the twin pattern reference one of the twin objects directly and the other via its twin field.[1]

Clients that rely on the protocols of parent classes communicate with objects of the respective child class.[1]

Sample Code

The following code is a sketched implementation of a computer game board with moving balls.

class for the game board:

public class Gameboard extends Canvas {
 public int width, height;
 public GameItem firstItem;


code sketch for GameItem class:

public abstract class GameItem {
 Gameboard board;
 int posX, posY;
 GameItem next;
 public abstract void draw();
 public abstract void click (MouseEvent e);
 public abstract boolean intersects (GameItem other);
 public abstract void collideWith (GameItem other);
 public void check() {
  GameItem x;
  for (x = board.firstItem; x != null; x =
   if (intersects(x)) collideWith(x);
 public static BallItem newBall
  (int posX, int posY, int radius) {//method of GameBoard
   BallItem ballItem = new BallItem(posX, posY, radius);
   BallThread ballThread = new BallThread();
   ballItem.twin = ballThread;
   ballThread.twin = ballItem;
   return ballItem;


code sketch for the BallItem class:

public class BallItem extends GameItem {
 BallThread twin;
 int radius; int dx, dy;
 boolean suspended;
 public void draw() {
  board.getGraphics().drawOval(posX-radius, posY-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius); }
 public void move() { posX += dx; posY += dy; }
 public void click() {
  if (suspended) twin.resume(); else twin.suspend();
  suspended = ! suspended;
 public boolean intersects (GameItem other) {
  if (other instanceof Wall)
   return posX - radius <= other.posX
    && other.posX <= posX + radius
   || posY - radius <= other.posY
    && other.posY <= posY + radius;
  else return false;
 public void collideWith (GameItem other) {
  Wall wall = (Wall) other;
  if (wall.isVertical) dx = - dx; else dy = - dy; }}


Code sketch for BallThread class:

public class BallThread extends Thread {
 BallItem twin;
 public void run() {
  while (true) {
   twin.draw(); /*erase*/ twin.move(); twin.draw();


Implementation of the Twin pattern

The following issues should be considered:

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mössenböck, H., Twin - A Design Pattern for Modelling Multiple Inheritance, University of Linz, Institute for System Software
  2. Stroustrup, B. (May 1989), Multiple Inheritance for C++, Helsinki: Proceeding EUUG Spring Conference
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