The Rat Pack (reality television show)

The Rat Pack is a six-part documentary, shown on BBC One in the United Kingdom, about the daily life of pest controllers in London, England.[1] The show ran for 6 weeks from 23 July 2009 to 20 August 2009.


Environ Pest Control were contacted by Fever Media with the intention of making a programme about pest control in London. The concept for The Rat Pack was developed by Simon Draper, the producer, who would follow pest controllers in their daily duties as they dealt with London’s pests and vermin.


The Rat Pack received mixed reviews, with Sam Wollaston of The Guardian suggesting that Charlie be put down to save himself the embarrassment of future episodes.[2]


  1. "The Rat Pack". BBC. Retrieved 24 August 2009.
  2. Wollaston, Sam (24 July 2009). "Last night's TV: The Rat Pack, Rick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey". The Guardian. Retrieved 24 August 2009.

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