Telephone numbers in the United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates telephone numbers
Country United Arab Emirates
Continent Asia
Type closed
NSN length 7, 8, 9
Typical format (0x) xxx xxxx
05x xxx xxxx (mobiles)
xxx xxxx (special services)
Access codes
Country calling code +971
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

Telephone numbers in the UAE follow a closed telephone numbering plan.

The United Arab Emirates is assigned an international dialling code of 971 by ITU-T. Telephone numbers are fixed at seven digits, with area codes fixed at two or three digits.

Numbering plan

Before 2000

Subscriber numbers were 5- or 6- digits, with area code plus subscriber number totalling 7 digits.


The overall structure of the UAE's national numbering plan is:

Special numbers

These are special 7-digit number ranges, and have no associated area code):


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