
Studywiz Learning Environment
Stable release
9.4.4_08_build_74 / September 24, 2010 (2010-09-24)
Operating system Cross-platform

Studywiz Learning Environment also known as Studywiz is an Virtual Learning Environment and includes a Learning Management Systems. Studywiz provides a platform for teachers to create, mark and share content such as tests, assignments, file resources as well as embedded video and audio resources with students. StudyWiz was developed and is supported by Australian-based company Studywiz, which is part of Etech Group.


Studywiz has implemented all the core facilities of a Virtual Learning Environment. It maintains an online portfolio of academic and extracurricular achievement for each student and an online storage system. It has a mobile interface for handheld devices such as iPod. Its content is compatible with SCORM..

As well as ClickView digital video, the system has an activity search, an individual student blog system, discussion boards, monitored chat rooms, and a messaging system.[1]

For instructors, the system has a student assessment marking system and tracks student attendance. There is also a loging for parents. The "Assignment" section allows teachers to upload worksheets and tasks, for students to view online/download and complete. The teacher can set the due date, assessment criteria and outcomes and the student can submit the completed assignment through Studywiz. This can then be published to custom groups,[2] classes and students and marks can be made available to parents. A calendar can be set up for individual students and teachers, groups, classes and for the whole school.

Studywiz Mobile

Studywiz Mobile is the interface for Studywiz designed for portable hand-held devices.[3] It was well received by schools and won the 2009 CODiE Award for Best Mobile Software Solution.[4]


ePortfolio is an online portfolio system built into later versions of Studywiz. It is designed to allow Students to generate, store and publish school and extracurricular achievements. From here users can update and maintain their content and export it.

Within ePortfolio there are Action Plans, with which students work with their teachers to set out a course of action for learning about the topics that interest them. Students then create Records to store information about their achievements, add Evidence (files or links to web sites) and Reflections (thoughts and feedback about their achievements). A set of Record templates is created that guide students in storing and presenting their achievements.

Once students have some Records to work with, they create Collections and add appropriate Records to their Collections for any purpose, whether it's school results, sporting achievements or community work.

Records and Collections are then reviewed and verified by teachers. Once verified, Collections can be published inside Studywiz ePortfolio, published externally (with or without password protection), and exported as a set of HTML pages, PDF, or IMS package.

Other Modules

Studywiz also includes a number of other modular components and modular extensions including:


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