

Cover of Structo 6, summer/autumn 2011
Categories Literature Poetry
Frequency Bi-annual
Founder Euan Monaghan
Year founded 2008
Country United Kingdom
Language English
ISSN 2044-8244

Structo is a British literary magazine, founded in 2008.[1][2] The founder of the magazine is Euan Monaghan who is also editor.[2] It is printed twice a year[2] (an on-line digital edition is released three months later). The magazine publishes fiction and poetry, as well as art, essays, and interviews with authors such as Ian R. MacLeod, Lindsey Davis, Iain Banks and Richard Adams.[3]

See also


  1. Structo on Duotrope
  2. 1 2 3 Leah Broad (12 March 2013). "Structo: An Interview with Euan Monaghan". The Oxford Culture Review. Retrieved 1 November 2015.
  3. Structo magazine| Back issues

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