South Azerbaijani alphabet

The South Azerbaijani alphabet of the Iranian Azerbaijan is an officially Arabic alphabet and an unofficially Latin alphabet used for writing the Azerbaijani language.

Officially in Iran, the Arabic alphabet is used to write the Azerbaijani Turkic language. While there have been a few standardization efforts, the orthography and the set of letters used differs widely among Iranian Turk writers, with at least two major branches, the orthography used by Behzad Behzadi and the Azari magazine, and the orthography used by the Varlyq magazine (both are quarterlies published in Tehran).


This is a poem

Turko-Latin alphabet Turko-Arabic alphabet
Türkün dili täk sevgili istäkli dil olmaz.
تۆرکۆن ديلي تەک سئوگيلي يستەکلي ديل وْلماز


The Arabic and Latin alphabets each have a different sequence of letters. The table below is ordered according to the latest Latin alphabet:

Azerbaijani Turkic alphabet transliteration table
Latin Arabic IPA
Aa آ/ا [ɑ]
Ää ە [æ]
Bb ب [b]
Cc ج [dz], [dʒ]
Čč چ [ts], [tʃ]
Dd د [d]
Ee ئ [e]
Ff ف [f]
Gg گ [ɟ], [g]
Ǧǧ غ [ɣ]
Hh ح/ھ [h]
Ii ي [i]
Jj يٛ [j]
Kk ک [c], [ç], [k]
Ll ل [l]
Mm م [m]
Nn ن [n]
Ŋŋ نگ [ŋ]
Oo وْ [o]
Öö ؤ [ø]
Pp پ [p]
Qq ق [g], [q]
Rr ر [r]
Ss ث/س/ص [s]
Šš ش [ʃ]
Tt ت/ط [t]
Uu ۇ [u]
Üü ۆ [y]
Vv ۉ [v]
Xx خ [x]
Yy ې [o]
Zz ذ/ز/ض/ظ [z]
Žž ژ [ʒ]
ʼ ع [ʔ]
Āā [ɑ:]
Ēē [e:]
Īī [i:]
Ōō [o:]
Ūū [u:]

The Azerbaijani Turko-Arabic alphabet also contains the letter نگ. Originally نگ stood for the sound [ŋ], which then merged with [n].



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