Mark (unit)

The Mark (from Middle High German: Marc, march, brand) is originally a medieval weight or mass unit, which supplanted the pound weight as a precious metals and coinage weight from the 11th century. The Mark is traditionally a half pound weight and was usually divided into 8 ounces or 16 Lot. The significance of the Cologne Mark (Kölner Mark) in the German-speaking areas corresponded to about 234 gram.

Like the German systems, the French poid du marc weight system considered one "Marc" equal to half-a-pound (8 ounces).

Like the pound of 12 troy ounces (373 g), the mark was also used as a unit of currency, e.g. in many Shakespearean plays set in medieval England, and in various incarnations in Germany and Finland until the adoption of the euro in 1999.

See also

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