List of postal codes in Denmark

Postal codes (Danish: postnumre) in Denmark are 4-digit codes. They were implemented in 1967, and were based on the territorial divisions of towns and municipalities at the time. The postal codes 1000-1999 are each assigned to individual streets and large mail recipients, such as companies, organizations or public administrations. Not included in this list are postal codes for postal service centres and bulk mail receivers, the latter using the postal codes 0800-0990 (a more elaborate list can be found on the Danish entry 'Danske postnumre').

Zealand (1000-3699 and 4000-4999)

Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and vicinity (1000-2999)

Northern Zealand (3000-3699)

Central, Southern and Western Zealand, Lolland, Falster and Møn (4000-4999)

Bornholm (3700-3799)

Funen and isles (5000-5999)

Jutland (6000-9999)

Southern Jutland and parts of Western Jutland (6000-6999)

Northwest Jutland, West Jutland, parts of middle Jutland and Southern Jutland and southeast Jutland (7000-7999)

Eastern Jutland (8000-8999)

Northern Jutland (9000-9999)

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