Johannes Sticheler

Johannes Sticheler or Johannes Stickels is a 15th-century composer known primarily from his Missa se j'avoye porpoin de veleur in Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, MS 1 1883.[1] He is possibly the same composer Jonnes Estiche known for an Ave Maris Stella and a motet or mass section Et incarnatus est.[2]


  1. Albert Clement, Eric Jas - From Ciconia to Sweelinck: Donum Natalicium Willem Elders 9051837682- 1994 Page 193 "For instance, in Johannes Sticheler's Missa Se j'avoye porpoin de veleur '"
  2. Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, Parts 28-29 1978 "Within the second collation, the second scribe identities the composer of an Ave maris Stella, a4, on fok 64v-65R, as «Jonnes Estiche.»"

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