Island Birds

Island Birds

Island Birds logo
Commenced operations 2000
Operating bases US Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands
Destinations San Juan, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, St Maarten, Antigua, Tortola, Virgin Gorda and Anegada
Key people Robert T. Lemire

Island Birds is the largest and one of the most trusted on demand charter airlines in the Caribbean. It was formed in the year 2000 and is based in both the US and British Virgin Islands. The airline specializes in providing service from San Juan, St Thomas, St Maarten and Antigua to Tortola, Virgin Gorda and Anegada in the British Virgin Islands. They are the only approved airline to provide completely unrestricted service into Virgin Gorda from the US and its territories (as approved by ASSI, the British Territory Aviation Regulators).


2 Piper Chieftains -1 Piper Navajo-5 Piper Aztecs

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