French Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Commission

The French Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Commission [1] (French Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité or HALDE) is a French "independent administrative authority" which "has the right to judge all discrimination, direct or indirect, that is prohibited by law or an international agreement to which France is a signatory."

HALDE was created by law n° 2004-1486 on December 30, 2004, published in the Journal officiel on December 31, 2004.


HALDE has twelve members who are appointed by the French President for five-year terms. They can neither be expelled from their posts nor reappointed at the end of them. New members are added every thirty months, with five members being removed at this time (the president of HALDE stays, however). Thus, five of the first members were limited to 30 month-terms. These five will be selected randomly at HALDE's first meeting.

HALDE's members are chosen according to the following allotment:


HALDE is aided by a consultative committee named by itself, including people who "have an activity within the scope of the struggle against discrimination and for the promotion of equality."

Cases are submitted to HALDE in three different ways:

HALDE is entitled to lead various hearings as well as investigations; it can also send files to the procureur de la République. HALDE also promotes equality generally, and can recommend modifications of existing laws or rules, and publishes a public annual report concerning its performance of its duties.

HALDE's members


See also


  1. "ABOUT THE HALDE". Marc Dubourdieu. Retrieved 16 December 2012.
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