
A fritanga is a restaurant that makes home-style Nicaraguan foods. The staple foods at a fritanga may include gallo pinto (rice and beans), arroz blanco (white rice), carne asada (grilled meat), tajada frita (fried sliced green plaintain), platano frito (fried ripe plaintain), maduros (sweet plaintain), yuca, queso frito (fried cheese), tortilla and cabbage salad. Fritangas also carry daily specials such as: salpicon, ropa vieja, carne desmenusada (shredded beef), and enchiladas, as well as speciality drinks and desserts/pasteries. Fritangas have a cafeteria (comideria) style of ordering and the food can be taken out or consumed at the establishment.[1]

Fritanga is also the name given to a typical Latin American dish of fried foods. The Colombian fritanga, for example, combines different typical components such as morcilla (blood sausage), chorizo (sausage), chicharron (pork belly), longaniza, chunchullo, maduros (plantains), papa criolla (small yellow potatoes), and arepas.


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