Equisetum pratense

Meadow horsetail
Equisetum pratense

Secure  (NatureServe)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Equisetopsida
Order: Equisetales
Family: Equisetaceae
Genus: Equisetum
Species: E. pratense
Binomial name
Equisetum pratense
Ehrh., 1784

Equisetum pratense, commonly known as meadow horsetail, shade horsetail or shady horsetail, is a plant species belonging to the division of horsetails (Equisetophyta). Shade horsetail can be commonly found in forests with tall trees or very thick foliage that can provide shade. They also tend to grow closer and thicker around streams, ponds and rivers.

Fertile shoot with growing branches.
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