
Tabog (Swinglea glutinosa, Citreae)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Subfamily: Aurantioideae




Aurantioideae (sometimes known as Citroideae) is the subfamily within the rue and citrus family (Rutaceae) that contains the citrus. The subfamily's center of diversity is in the monsoon region of eastern Australasia, extending west through South Asia into Africa, and eastwards into Polynesia.[1]

Notable members include citrus (genus Citrus), bael (Aegle marmelos), curd fruit (Limonia acidissima), species of genus Murraya such as curry tree (M. koenigii) and orange jessamine (M. paniculata), and the small genus Clausena.

Description and systematics

Micromelum minutum (Clauseneae)

Aurantioideae are smallish trees or large shrubs, or rarely lianas. Their flowers are typically white and fragrant. Their fruit are very characteristic hesperidia, usually of rounded shape and colored in green, yellowish or orange hues.[1]

The subfamily can be divided into two tribes, the ancestral Clauseneae and the more advanced Citreae. Several genera have been recently reassigned from the latter to the former, but the arrangement of subtribes leaves much to be desired. The tribes, with subtribes listed in phylogenetic sequence and genera listed alphabetically, are:[1][2]

Tribe Citreae

  • Subtribe Triphasiinae
    • Genus Luvunga Buch.-Ham. ex Wight & Arn.
    • Genus Merope M.Roem.
    • Genus Monanthocitrus
    • Genus Oxanthera
    • Genus Pamburus Swingle
    • Genus Paramignya Wight
    • Genus Triphasia
    • Genus Wenzelia Merr.
  • Subtribe Balsamocitrinae (paraphyletic with Citrinae? Formerly in Clauseneae)
    • Genus Aegle Corrêa Bael
    • Genus Aeglopsis Swingle
    • Genus Afraegle (Swingle) Engl.
    • Genus Balsamocitrus Stapf
    • Genus Feroniella Swingle
    • Genus Limonia L. Curd Fruit
    • Genus Swinglea Merr.
  • Subtribe Citrinae (paraphyletic with Balsamocitrinae?)

Tribe Clauseneae


  1. 1 2 3 Swingle, W. T. & Reece, P.C. (1967), The botany of Citrus and its wild relatives, University California Press, Los Angeles, CA.
  2. de Araújo et al. (2003)


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