Area code 434

Area codes 304 and 681 Area code 252The area colored red indicates the geographical region of Virginia served by area code 434
About this image

The 434 area code was created on June 1, 2001 as a split from the 804 area code. It is located in the south central area of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Lynchburg, Virginia is the most populous city in the area code.

Some places that use the 434 area code

See also

External links

[[]] area codes:
North: 540
West: 276 area code 434 East: 757, 804
South: 252, 336, 423, 919/984
North Carolina area codes: 252, 336, 704, 828, 910, 919, 980
Tennessee area codes: 423, 615(/629), 731, 865, 901, 931

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