
Anti-Japaneseism (反日亡国論 hanNichi-bōkoku-ron) is a theory promoted by a faction of the Japanese New Left which radicalizes the Old Left's Anti-Japanism.

Differences between Anti-Japanism and Anti-Japaneseism

The Anti-Japanism theory posed that Japan's actions since the Meiji period had been tainted by imperialism, and a new regime was needed. According to Anti-Japanism, Japan's moral failure can be redeemed if the Imperial family is purged and the country forcibly transitioned to a communist "people's republic". Anti-Japaneseism radicalized this argument by claiming that even communist revolution could not redeem Japan because the Japanese themselves possess an inherent "aggressive nature".[1] Proponents of this theory believe that the only way to redeem oneself from the "oppressor and criminal Japanese race" is to fight against all Japanese interests until the "Japanese" archipelago has been purged of anything Japanese.[2]

Historical thesis

According to Anti-Japaneseism, the original inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago were anarchist agriculturalists, but were invaded by an equestrian tribe from whom the current imperial family descends. Those who resisted the conquest became burakumin.[3] The suppression continued through the 19th century as the imperial regime conquered the Ryukyuans and Ainu. Thus, the history of Japan is defined as "a history of invasion and exploitation".[1]

Final Solution

The so-called "final solution" of Anti-Japaneseism is to wipe the nation called "Japan" from the face of the earth and exterminate the Japanese race. Because, as described in the above historical theory, Japan is inherently evil, the continued existence of Japanese people is incompatible with peace.[3] East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front member Yoshimasa Kurosawa affirms that he is not opposed to any particular Japanese political regime, but to the existence of Japan itself.[1]

Strategy for Japanese ruin

The East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front has suggested a scenario which could lead to the ruin of Japan. They would invade South Korea and topple the current "pro-Japanese" regime, replacing it with a military regime that is openly anti-Japanese. Japan, owing to its naturally aggressive nature, would invade Korea in response, but then the Anti-Japaneseists could employ their terrorist networks to cause havoc in Korea similar to the Vietnam War and drain Japan's financial and political strength, which would allow its swift downfall.[1]

Influence on Japanese society

Since the eclipse of New Left influence this group has been thought of as a bizarre cult. The activist who came up with the name "Anti-Japaneseism" has since left the group and describes it as "Satanic". The journalist Toshinao Sasaki describes life within the group as "insane".[4] The education scholar Akira Moriguchi calls it a "violent ideology" and self-contradictory.[5]

It has been suggested, however, that this ideology has provided the basis for several ongoing leftist protests as well as Aum Shinrikyo's gas attacks.[6]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 黒川芳正『獄窓からのラブレター-反日革命への戦旅』 新泉社、1985年
  2. 治安フォーラム別冊『過激派事件簿40年史』立花書房、2001年
  3. 1 2 竹中労・平岡正明『水滸伝-窮民革命のための序説』より梅内恒夫「共産同赤軍派より日帝打倒を志すすべての人々へ」三一書房、1973年
  4. 佐々木俊尚『「当事者」の時代』光文社、2012年
  5. 森口朗『なぜ日本の教育は間違うのか ~復興のための教育学~』扶桑社、2012年
  6. 原田実『幻想の荒覇吐(アラハバキ)秘史-「東日流外三郡誌」の泥濘』批評社、1999年
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