Western Marxism (book)

Western Marxism

Cover of the first edition
Author José Guilherme Merquior
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Subject Western Marxism
Published 1986 (Paladin Books)
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 247
ISBN 978-0586084540

Western Marxism is a 1986 book about Western Marxism by Brazilian critic and sociologist José Guilherme Merquior.


Merquior criticizes anti-modernist and postmodernist strands of thought, which he calls Kiilturkritik. On Merquior's account, Kulturiaitik has two essential features: a moralistic hatred of modernity, specifically of bourgeois culture, and a systematic obscurantism, a denial of rational methods and criteria in the study of society.[1]

Scholarly reception

Gregory R. Johnson calls Western Marxism one of Merquior's "minor classics."[1]



Online articles

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