Astrebla pectinata

Astrebla pectinata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Astrebla
Species: A. pectinata
Binomial name
Astrebla pectinata
(Lindl.) F. Muell. ex Benth.

Astrebla pectinata, coomonly known as barley Mitchell grass, is a herb of the family Poaceae from the order Poales.[1]

Morphology and Habitat

Astrebla pectinata grows to 1 m (3.25 ft). The flowers are pollinated by wind and are hermaphrodites, having both male and female organs. It mostly prefers moist soil and also can grow in partial shades.[2] The species is considered to be the most balanced and economically important herbage in the semiarid areas of eastern Australia. It is a warm-season perennial grass. It is palatable to livestock even when it is dry.[1][3]


Further reading

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